The most well-known and popular beverage in the world might be coffee. From its inception as a natural tropical African plant, it’s now cultivated by people all over to enjoy this sweet reward for working hard on their farms or roasterships.

With coffee beans being the largest legalized agricultural export internationally, it is no wonder that coffee is one of the most well-known and well-consumed beverages known to society. The coffea plant, originally brought from tropical Africa, specifically in Ethiopia, Sudan, Madagascar, Reunion, Mauritius, and Comoros, is now cultivated in over 70 different countries.

Are you a coffee drinker? Drink on! Recent studies have identified several advantages to being a coffee drinker.

Some interesting studies and findings:

Coffee beans produce naturally occurring antioxidants. Interestingly, there are more antioxidants in a cup of coffee than the average serving of grape juice, blueberries, raspberries, and oranges. Antioxidants are known to reduce inflammation, lowering the risk for health disorders such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Drinking coffee on a regular basis may reduce your chances of acquiring cirrhosis of the liver.

Coffee may offer protection from Alzheimer’s disease.

Coffee may also serve as a protection from Parkinson’s disease even when genetic markers are predominantly present in the family as a health issue.

Some studies have shown that those who consume coffee are less likely to suffer from the development and reoccurrence of multiple sclerosis.

The USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center has stated that consuming one to three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC, by twenty-nine percent.

Coffee can decrease your chances of developing gout.

A Cornell University research study has offered evidence that coffee may prevent retinal damage.

A study by the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that drinking coffee lowers the risk for cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases and chronic conditions. Another study conducted by The New England Journal Of Medicine also showed that women who drink coffee on a regular basis had fewer complications related to diabetes, heart disease, and several forms of cancer, decreasing their chances of dying prematurely. Studies in Brazil have discovered that strong black coffee will eradicate the bacteria known to create cavities. (Milk and sugar negate this benefit when added to the cup.)

A Harvard University research project has also concluded that people who drink one to five cups of coffee daily can avoid diseases that are linked to premature death.

The Journal of The National Cancer Institute stated that coffee can offer protection from melanoma.

Caffeine or Not?

Studies have shown that drinking caffeinated coffee is better than a cup of decaf. The process of extracting caffeine can reduce the levels of the antioxidants thus lowering many of the health benefits.

How Much Coffee?

Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day may provide health benefits. Note: The health benefits of coffee are negated for certain individuals who may be sensitive to caffeine or have chronic conditions, so be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before making changes to your diet.

Any Caveats?

Data from some of these studies may be limited because they were observational and a real cause and effect correlation can’t be levied. Although the studies may be observational, the fact of so many studies created a strong argument for the benefits of coffee is interesting.

The advantages of coffee have also been noted to have different results across varying cultures, lifestyles, and environments. This might be due to differences in preparation methods, caffeine levels, and additional ingredients.

In conclusion, coffee in moderation may serve as an excellent addition to your diet. So drink up!


(1) Emmanuel, Daniella. (2017, July 12). Drinking more coffee leads to a longer life, two studies say.
(2) Wikipedia. (2017, July 19). Coffee.
(3) Caffeine Informer. (2017, July 11). 19 good health reasons to drink coffee.
(4) Loria, Kevin. (2017, July 11). Drinking more coffee is associated with a longer life, according to new research.
(5) Aubrey, Allison. (2015, Nov 16). Drink to your health: Study links daily coffee habit to longevity.
(6) Gunnars, Kris. (2017, June 15). 13 health benefits of coffee, based on science.
(7) Lockhart, Emily. (2016, Aug 25). 5 reasons to enjoy more coffee.
(8) Osterweil, Neil. (2017). Coffee and your health Say it’s so, Joe: The potential health benefitsand drawbacksof coffee.
(9) Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Medical School. (2016, Jan). Harvard study: Moderate coffee drinking associated with longevity.

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