It seems that the market is saturated with countless brands of different shampoos that can help alleviate a handful of matters, such as frizzy hair, dull hair, breakage, and etc. But are these shampoos worth your buck or not, especially after making the choice to go gray? Shampoos that contain artificial colors, parabens, petrochemicals, phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances may not be desirable if your goal is to avoid chemicals, as many of these ingredients, such as parabens, have been linked to certain cancers. Want to spend your money on healthier options?

Here are ten natural ingredients to look for when shopping for shampoo:

Coconut oil– Known for stimulating hair growth and getting deep into follicles, it promotes scalp health by fighting against dandruff, moisturizing dry hair, adding luster and shine, making hair soft, and preventing breakage.

Acai oil– This type of oil strengthens hair from the roots, helps hair growth, promotes health on the scalp, and controls hair fall.

Argan Oil– This famous oil has taken the industry by storm, as it can condition hair to make it softer, silkier, and shinier. It can even help treat split ends and tame frizzy hair. Also, it can be used as a styling agent as it has the ability to straighten hair, giving your tresses a sleek, shiny, healthy, and attractive style.

Carrot seed oil– This ingredient can moisturize your scalp, provide follicles with vitamins, strengthen the hair roots, prevent hair loss and breakage, and protect your hair from harmful environmental factors such as pollution and the sun.

Lavender oil– This is a very beneficial ingredient if your goal is to have a healthy scalp and rapid hair growth. Lavender oil is a natural anti-inflammatory solution; therefore it is helpful when it comes to rejuvenating and enhancing blood circulation on the scalp. It can also be used to treat psoriasis of the scalp and to alleviate dandruff.

Lemon juice– This natural ingredient is another one that you should look for in shampoo ingredient labels, as it is a rich source of vitamin C and B, as well as phosphorus; therefore, it can prevent hair damage and promote hair growth. Also, lemon juice can help reduce sebum, stimulate hair growth, condition the hair to make it extra soft, strengthen hair, make tresses shinier and thicker, and be used as a bleaching agent.

Geranium oil– This type of oil has a number of uses for hair as well. It can strengthen your hair and make it smell very nice.

Shea butter– This type of butter can revitalize hair that is dull, falling out, dry, damaged, or limp. If you apply it to your hair and leave it on it for at least 30 minutes, your tresses will become supple and shiny. Applying shea butter to your locks one or twice a week can save you lot of money, as you won’t need to visit your hair stylist as often.

Sesame oil– This ingredient can treat premature graying, improve hair color, increase scalp circulation, prevent ultraviolet ray damage, treat head lice, locks in moisture, provides shine, prevent hair loss, and can be used a deep conditioner.

Tea tree oil– This type of oil is a solution for those individuals who suffer from an itchy scalp, sebum buildup, or/and dandruff. Can help alleviate acne on the scalp and enhance hair growth.

Going green tip:

Purchase shampoo in a biodegradable bottle. It will decompose by bacteria or other living organisms, as soon as it is dumped in your city’s landfill site. Non- biodegradable, it can take up to 450 years to decompose.

Is your gray hair hooked on a natural ingredient not listed? Leave us a comment!

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