The Power of Hydration During Menopause

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During menopause, you may be looking for ways to feel better and have more energy, but sometimes it’s hard to know what will help or how much we should do. One thing that might be really helpful is staying hydrated! Drinking enough water each day not only keeps your skin clear and your moods stable but also helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Hydration is important for everyone, but it becomes even more crucial during menopause. Why? Menopausal women are at greater risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Keep reading about the importance of staying hydrated during menopause.

What happens to hydration during menopause

The human body in general is made up of 60% – 70% water. Women in their reproductive years normally maintain this percentage, with slight increases or decreases depending on age. Once menopause is reached however, the percentage begins to drop slowly over time, leaving women more susceptible to dehydration with its many negative health effects.

The importance of staying hydrated

More than 50 percent of the human body is made up of water. This means that we must replenish our bodies’ water content in order to function correctly. “Water regulates every system in our bodies,” said Dr. Humberto Parra, director of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control in Atlanta. “It controls our temperature, it keeps us hydrated and dissolves some nutrients so that they can be digested.” “Water can flush toxins from your system, moisturize skin and keep joints lubricated,” Parra said. “It means that you have less chance of getting kidney stones or bladder infections.”

The more water you drink, the more your body will benefit.

Signs of dehydration

There are many signs that can indicate you should drink more water. If you have been dehydrated it’s possible to be experiencing mild symptoms of dehydration even when not thirsty, including: If your eyes look sunken in, this is usually a strong indication of chronic fatigue which often indicates the body needs more water. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes (congestion) is also a strong indication that you need more fluids.

How much water do you need each day?

A recent study found that drinking more than eight glasses per day can help ward off hot flashes and other menopausal health issues. But how much do we need to drink? It’s recommended for women over 51 years old to consume two liters (or 8 cups) every single day–a challenge many people fail at due to lack of time or money. However, it does get easier when you have these five tips in mind:

Easy ways to drink more H20

While consuming two liters of water every day may seem like an unattainable goal, it is actually much easier than many people think, and taking small steps will get you there in no time! The following tips can help make it easy for anyone to drink more water every day.

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Since fruits and vegetables supply more than 90 percent of your required intake of water, eating them will naturally cause you to drink more water. For example, one cup of chopped cucumbers contains about 96 percent of your daily recommended intake of water. Other foods that contain high amounts include celery, strawberries, and zucchini.

2. Try sparkling or flavored waters. By adding a little flavor such as lemon to your water, you will find it easier to drink eight glasses daily. While flavored waters are not the healthiest option, you will be able to meet your water intake goals while getting other necessary nutrients.

3. Buy a reusable bottle and keep it with you at all times. For many, this is crucial for learning how to drink more water during the day. You can easily refill your bottle throughout the day at your local drinking fountain or you can purchase reusable bottles that filter your water for you. This way, the only thing that smells and tastes like is pure H2O. We love The Coldest Water Bottle.

We really can’t find anything wrong with this water bottle. It keeps water cold for up to 36 hours. Added ice will not melt for up to 24 hours. It is strong, durable and you get a lifetime warranty. We think it might be the best water bottle on the planet.

4. Make sure to drink more before, during, and after exercise. Staying hydrated throughout your workout is extremely important, even if you feel hungry or thirsty during your workout. According to Dr. Parra, you should drink about six to eight ounces of water every 15 minutes while exercising. Also, be sure not to wait until you are thirsty before drinking more H2O because by then it is too late.

5. Drink more water when you wake up. When you wake up in the morning, your body is dehydrated and it needs to be replenished. Start by drinking a big glass of water as soon as you wake up and then continue throughout the day following the tips above.

How to make drinking more water sexy

– Add fresh fruit or vegetables to infuse your water. Mango, orange, lemon, lime, and cucumber are perfect fruits that can add a refreshing twist to your water.

– Make it fun! Get creative with your infusion ideas and flavors. Try strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, pears, or rosemary for unique tastes. You can even use ice cubes to add another dimension of flavor. Experiment away!

Taking these small steps every day will not only help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle but also slowly increase the amount of water you drink. Soon you will be drinking eight glasses or more every day without even thinking about it!

By drinking enough water, you can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, urinary incontinence, kidney stones, constipation, and obesity.

You might be experiencing some of the symptoms that come with menopause, but did you know there are also a number of ways to prevent them? Drinking water is one way. A recent study found that drinking more than eight glasses per day can help ward off hot flashes and other menopausal health issues. So drink up!


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